Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is crying

Your mommy picks out the cutest clothes for you, your monkey jacket

Out to lunch at Nordstrom cafe for mommy's birthday, Uncle Daniel and Aunt Kim picked out that shirt you're wearing!

Lily 3 months in such a cute outfit

One of our walks in Fallbrook, first pic of your mom with her two beauties!

Having fun with Leo jumping on the bed, luckily the bed is on the floor and very low!

Shopping with grandma and mommy, I bought you those pretty necklaces you picked out, great taste my Bibi!

My baby Lily, you are adorable, this was the same day we went shopping, cutest smile!

Isabella when you are crying you say "Is crying"! You are unbelievable my Bibi, you are so happy and charming and intelligent. Tomorrow you will be 27 months and you have learned so much. You help me make a salad by cutting the lettuce and pieces and putting tomatoes (which you love to eat) in, then you put the salad in the bowls. You love to keep busy. Your schedule is morning breakfast with grandma and cartoons (Mickey, Oso or Umizumi and Dora). You play while you watch. Sometimes your mom takes you playtime at school or you go with us to Temecula. Lunch and then a nap. You go down easily now for your mom or dad, but not me. Lately you stay in your bed talking and playing until you fall asleep. When you wake up you spend time with your dada playing or going to the store. Sometimes one of us will take you up the hill to play with the kids. We all have dinner at the table. Maybe a little TV and playing (your starting to play with Lily by giving her the rattle or pushing her in the swing) then a bath. You watch Clifford and then your mom or dad put you to sleep

Lily, you will be 4 months in a few days and you are getting so cute and so much personality. You are very expressive and loud when you talk. I love rocking you to sleep. I love your smile!!

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