Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sure Grandma

Our walk to the neighbors to see the snowman!

Mom needs to get out and spend time with her kids!

Aww, you look like a Suze Zoo character

You look adorable Isabella!

We had a few cold days in January. Mom bought you girls some warm cozy outfits. Lily you are 6 weeks in this picture and cute as a bug:) My Lilybug is what I call you! Isabella, it's been a long time since you stood still and smiled at the camera. Cute picture! During the holidays we would walk around the block and I showed you the big inflatable snowman (you say "Snowmam") you would love to go visit. Recently we found another snowman that is still out and we go visit, you're so excited!

"Sure Grandma" so cheerfully is what you say alot now. Too cute and pleasant:) Lily, you are talking up a storm and yesterday singing along with me. Cooing and cooing! We love it and watch you over and over!

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