Monday, November 8, 2010

Lily walks! Bella talks, really talks!

Thank God for skyping! Lily, I got to see you take about 7 steps, your mom and dad say that was the most so far. I was happy to see you walk!

When we skype it is so cute how you peek your head over the desk and all I can see is your eyes and little hands and you are very talkative and expressive with your jibber jabber!

This day I saw you guys wrestle and play like two little cubs, so cute!!

Bella you are taking my pic while I take yours, that is your latest thing, taking pics! And Bibi, I can talk and watch you all day long! You look so tall and grown up and you are talking in complete sentences that are so mature. I'm so excited, 3 more days and you don't know it but I'm going to NC to see you both. I'm counting the hours!! I just want to hug and squeeze and kiss you both forever!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun times at California Adventure

Bibi - 2 yrs 4 mo

Lilybug - 5 months

Bibi likes jewelry just liker her mom.

Titi loves his Torta

Your Uncle Daniel took such good care of you, he loves you so much!


Uncle Daniel bought you that bracelet, he wanted to buy you more!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

First time Disneyland

First time on Dumbo ride
After that is when you danced with your mommy, it was to dark for pics but I'll always remember it!

Que rico!

So exciting and I got to be a part of it and watch you experience Disneyland for the first time. We went in April, one month before you all moved to North Carolina and me and Titi moved to Nicaragua. You had so much fun Isabella! You really liked the merry go round and watching Tinkerbell fly through the sky. My favorite memory was watching you and your mom dance to music before the fireworks show. Your mommy bought you a little red Minnie purse and I bought you a huge sucker!

We also went to California Adventure with Titi about a week later. I really enjoyed that time. Your Uncle Daniel bought you a bracelet if he could he would buy you about 10! Uncle Daniel really enjoyed the time with you and Titi too.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Bibi's Minnie purse your mommy bought you at Disneyland
Lily has her tongue out most of the time - awww

One of my favorite 6 month pics, my beautiful Lily

I bought you two these pretty red shoes, Grandma loves red shoes!

Love that smile!

My beautiful Bibi 2 yrs 5 months

Refreshing and fun - it was a very warm day

First pics on your front porch

Memories from my first trips to North Carolina in May 2010. Bibi and Lily, your mom and dad were moving to North Carolina the first week of May. I went with you two and your mommy on your move to your new home. I was so happy to be with all of you in this new adventure. I got to see where you were going to live and places you would be visiting. I stayed for about 2 weeks and we had so much fun!

A couple of weeks later I went back to stay with you two so your mommy can go to a wedding in Washington. My plane flew in late so Isabella you were asleep when I got in. I'll never forget when you woke up in the morning and saw me in your bed, you smiled and said "You made it grandma"! Awww, so cute and clever! I love you so much my Bibi. What was so incredible was that you didn't even know I was coming.