Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 09

Isabella, words can't really explain how cute you are when:

You say "OK" you used to say "Otay"! Especially when you say OK Grandma! You almost sing it so happily!

You don't know how to say yes yet, but you say it by being giddy and laughing or saying OK and laughing.

You get giddy when you wear certain clothes, like now it's your Minnie shirt you got for Christmas or now it's watching Mickey Christmas. Or when we ask you if you want to go bye bye or outside and many other things. We love it!!

Lily, you are starting to smile really big. You gave your mama a big beautiful smile. I can't wait to see it. You are holding your head up more and getting excited and moving your arm and legs. You've been cooing and talking for two weeks! It's so exciting to see you grow and change everyday. I'm so glad I get to see you and Isabella everyday. I know it won't be like this all the time so I'm relishing every moment:)

Here are some Christmas pictures.

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