Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dr. Melissa Hinkle

Mom took Lily to the doctor and said she ended up diagnosing again. She's good. Sad to say though that looks like Lily has reflux. Isabella had the same thing. It's so hard to hear you cry for so long. We need to have you be upright 20 minutes after you nurse and mom can't have caffeine or acidy foods. You did much better yesterday, still taking a while to fall asleep. Everyone has been sick with a cold. Next week we should all be better:)

Wanted to add a few more Christmas pics. Isabella enjoying a marshmellow stick she got from her stocking. We love taking you to church with us.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Catch up

Lily 11 days old

Isabella 23 months old with Henry

Yeah Isabella and Lily! I created a blog for our memories. I'll have to get back to it though. Isabella is sick with a cold and needs TLC.

Isabella, you turned 2 a couple of weeks ago and Lily you are 6 weeks old.

Isabella is talking so much. Complete sentences. Here are a few words to describe your personality:

Happy, independent, affectionate, thoughtful, very active, strong. I call you the manners police. You always say thank you, your welcome, bless you and make sure everyone does the same.

You are so cute singing and dancing. You've liked playing outside since you were a baby. Playing with rocks, dirt, sticks and watering plants and anything you feel like watering. You've watched Titi do that since you were 2 months old.

You also love jewelry and make up like your mom did when she was little. You love bracelets and lipstick.

You love to read books. You are so intelligent. You started watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at a few months old and still it is your favorite. You now enjoy watching Dora and dance and sing with the show.

You also like to play like your cooking and having tea parties.

You've been attached to your Tinkerbell costume you got for Halloween. You can wear it everyday if you could. Oh yes, you love shoes too! The latest you picked out are these pretty pink sparkly shoes.

You are very outgoing and friendly and say hi and bye to everyone! You used to say hi and bye to trees, flowers, and house, etc. so funny:) When you go to the grocery store you ask the cashier for stickers as soon as you see her. You just say "stickers". We are all trying to teach you "please". You started biting and hitting and we are all working on that.

You are such a joy Isabella! But I love you so much just for being you.

Lily, a sweet newborn baby. We watch and stare at you all the time. We looked at a picture of your mom at the same age yesterday and saw alot of similarities. We think you have colic or silent reflux because you've been crying alot the past few days. Mom is taking you to the doctor today. I love you so much Lily!

My friend Katrinna and I took these pics of you two when Lily was 11 days old and Isabella almost 2 yrs old. I saw these outfits at Jack and Janie and loved them. I had to track down Isabella's size at Mission Viejo and they mailed it to me. We were going to have you wear them for Isabella's birthday at Farrell's but it was cold and raining outside. I love the little cakes and ice cream designs:)

Christmas 09

Isabella, words can't really explain how cute you are when:

You say "OK" you used to say "Otay"! Especially when you say OK Grandma! You almost sing it so happily!

You don't know how to say yes yet, but you say it by being giddy and laughing or saying OK and laughing.

You get giddy when you wear certain clothes, like now it's your Minnie shirt you got for Christmas or now it's watching Mickey Christmas. Or when we ask you if you want to go bye bye or outside and many other things. We love it!!

Lily, you are starting to smile really big. You gave your mama a big beautiful smile. I can't wait to see it. You are holding your head up more and getting excited and moving your arm and legs. You've been cooing and talking for two weeks! It's so exciting to see you grow and change everyday. I'm so glad I get to see you and Isabella everyday. I know it won't be like this all the time so I'm relishing every moment:)

Here are some Christmas pictures.