Monday, June 6, 2011

1st Cali Reunion

Bibi, I let you pick a toy out from the Disney store and you picked an Ariel jewelry shell box with makep, jewelry and hair extensions, great choice!

Pizza with Titi and grandma:)

Fun at South Coast Plaza

Oh my goodness! What a wonderful and crazy time me and Titi had with the two of you and your mom in California. First, we picked you all up at th airport and then went to Palm Springs and spent the night at a hotel and had so much fun in the pool the next day. We went out to breakfast at Ihop too. We loved watching you girls have so much fun in the pool. Isabella would do her signature pose as we took her pictures (like a ballerina). Lily you would run all over the place like babies do and watch the people.

Lily accidentally pulled her elbow out of the socket when hanging out with Titi. That was very hard for all of us. We took you to the hospital where the doc put it back in. Your mom when in the room with you and she was so upset, but it took a second to put it in and your cried loud she said and then stopped right away when they gave you a lolipop. Poor baby:(

Then it was fun times at Disneyland. We think Isbella didn't feel good because she was very quiet but she enjoyed watching all the happenings. We loved every moment we spent with you girls. I'm so thankful we had that day together.

It was a lot of driving back and forth to different houses, but we settled down a few days in Murrieta and I enjoyed that time of just eating our meals, swimming in the pool and of course an Easter egg hunt. Your mom was sick but she took you to the park anyway and made your day special with baskets and eggs. You both looked adorable.