Monday, January 17, 2011

A Dream Come True

This picture was taken the night before I left and it shows exactly how I feel when I'm with my girls, TRUE LOVE - PURE JOY!! I was so happy I got to see you experience getting your Christmas tree and decorating it and your mommy made you hot chocolate and Isabella put in her marshmallows in her new cup I bought her. What an awesome trip I had and I can't wait until the next time:)


I was glad your Uncle Daniel came to visit! He missed you both so much and enjoyed playing with you and hanging out with you in NC:)

Adorable, just had a bath and now time to get ready for the party!

This was the day before, we started with the cookies. Your mom did a great job planning and creating! Everything was delicious:)

Lily, the plan was to be there for your first birthday. Your mom and I spent the whole day before baking and decorating, I was so glad to be a part of your special day! You looked so cute in your birthday outfit and you enjoyed your day.

When I said good-bye in May, dreaming of our next time together helped me get through that very difficult time. I can see us playing and laughing and spending precious time together. Well, thank God the time finally came. I was able to visit my Bibi and Lily in November for two weeks. I counted the days, then hours.

I arrived in the evening, Lily stayed home sleeping, I could hardly wait to see you. Bibi came with mommy to pick me up at the airport. When I saw you in your car seat I was so excited I wanted to pick you up and hug and kiss you but we had to move the car. When you saw me you said "grandma" and tried to get out of your seat. We decided to drive straight home. You talked alot in the car with your same sweet gentle voice. When we got home I didn't want to let you go, hugs and kisses. The first thing you wanted to do was show me your Snow White costume, you put it on. I gave you a little gift of some tiny dolls with different colored hair that you liked. We talked and went to bed, we slept together for the first few nights. I was sooo happy:)

Lily, when I saw you the next morning you looked so big. I held you and didn't want to put you down. I don't know if you remembered me but in a short time we bonded. Awww, my Lilybug:)