Monday, November 8, 2010

Lily walks! Bella talks, really talks!

Thank God for skyping! Lily, I got to see you take about 7 steps, your mom and dad say that was the most so far. I was happy to see you walk!

When we skype it is so cute how you peek your head over the desk and all I can see is your eyes and little hands and you are very talkative and expressive with your jibber jabber!

This day I saw you guys wrestle and play like two little cubs, so cute!!

Bella you are taking my pic while I take yours, that is your latest thing, taking pics! And Bibi, I can talk and watch you all day long! You look so tall and grown up and you are talking in complete sentences that are so mature. I'm so excited, 3 more days and you don't know it but I'm going to NC to see you both. I'm counting the hours!! I just want to hug and squeeze and kiss you both forever!