Thursday, February 11, 2010

You're OK!!

Isabella, when you are afraid or hesitant you say to yourself "You're OK, you're OK"!! And you start stepping back. So funny!

I just caught you sharing with Lily. You have two shell necklaces you had on. You took one off and put it on Lily who is in her bouncer. Yikes, but so sweet!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

She cooks!

You enjoy your hat and horsie and say "yahoo" and take off your hat!

Grandpa looks forward to you coming to our room at night and holding you and talking to you. He calls you "torta de queque". He lights up and it is beautiful!
Lily at 8 weeks

Isabella you are 25 months old and you still cook! You've always enjoyed making your soups outside with dirt and inside with toys. Now when I cook you cook with me. You have a couple of bowls with water beans and rice and spoons and eventually you take out all the big spoons and tupperware. You love for me to hold you so you can watch me cook dinner:)

You are talking more and more, it's so cute how you express yourself! I love it when you say OK so sweetly. We'll be potty training next week. You are so ready letting us know when you have gone to the bathroom in your diapers.

Lily you will be 12 weeks on Saturday and growing so quickly. You are wearing Isabella's 6 month clothes. You are beautiful! You love to be held and adore looking at your mother. Mom is going to try and have you sleep in the bassinett or crib because you only sleep when you're in bed with her and poor mama doesn't sleep well.